Living in Hamburg: an expat city guide

Is Hamburg expensive to live in?

How much do you need to live comfortably in Hamburg? Get a feel for the cost of living in Hamburg, from accommodation to food prices and public transport costs.

Let's budget!

Hamburg city center surrounded by canals

Where in Hamburg should I live?

Discover our top 7 favourite neighbouhoods in Hamburg. Find your dream place to live, based on neighbouhoods' internationality, cost of living and safety.

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Register in Hamburg in 5 simple steps

After moving, you must register at the Welcome Centre in Hamburg within 14 days. There's some bureaucracy and planning involved, but we've heard having a good checklist can help you figure things out in no time!

start prepping

Get around in Hamburg like a local

Moving to Hamburg? Then it's time you figure out how to find your way around the city. Use our guide to get a hang of the public transportation system and its best alternatives for any time of the day.

Let's travel

Keep your finger on the pulse of Hamburg

What can you do in Hamburg when you don't speak German? Luckily, quite a lot. Discover a multitude of English-speaking cinemas, theatres and news outlets and build your expat support system with our guide!

Get familiar with Hamburg