4 Easy Tips for Balancing Study and Work

Here are four easy tips to help you maintain the right balance between studying and working.


2 minute read
Updated on 4 Nov 2019

Have you ever come to the point where you just felt like giving up because you're drowning in uni work? Yes, me too and I think most students have experienced that multiple times. Students have to spend quite some hours at school, have to study for their exams and have to find the time somewhere to also earn some money by working. Combining these three things can be hard, but you just have to deal with it. However, there are many ways to make your life easier. So, we've gathered a few tips for you to get some inspiration!

1. Choose something that you're interested in

Okay yes studying something you're interested in is a given but this is one of the most important things when it comes to finding motivation! When you're studying something you find interesting, it's easier for you to concentrate when it comes down to doing the actual studying and revising for exams. Besides the fact that it makes your time at university easier, it is also great for your future. When it comes to finding a job opportunity try to find one that's related to your studies, this way you can extend your knowledge even more, and you are able to put your gained knowledge into practice.

2. Studying comes first, so be honest with your boss

Let’s face it, there’re only a certain number of hours in the day and there’s going to be times where school is going to be full on and require a lot of your time. Be open with your employer about the amount of work you can take on. In most cases employers will expect part-time employees to work extra hours during busy periods and also work last minute, so be clear about your commitments and make sure you prioritise your studies.

3. Planning is key

Working in a structured and organized way is something that everyone is always talking about. However, we all know how hard this can be when we have so many things to do and so little time. We would highly suggest to give it a try! It will benefit you in many different ways. You can easily check what your priorities of the day are, your life will be less stressful and your days will get more productive! Simply plan by using an agenda, planner, to do list or an online program to keep track of your tasks such as Trello.com. We’re a big fan of Trello here at HousingAnywhere!

4. Be realistic

Make sure what you are doing is realistic and that personal deadlines are reachable. Do not let anyone pressure you or make you do things you would rather not do. Be realistic with the decisions you make. It is better to do less with a better outcome than to do many different things without actually focusing. Quality is more important than quantity!

Besides that, you should for sure take care of yourself! Use your spare time to spend with your friends, to chill and to treat yourself. Keep in mind that without any enjoyment, you will not be able to keep working and deal with stress. If you are really struggling without knowing what to do, just ask some people in your surroundings for some advice! This could be your best friends, colleague, teacher but even your mom. They see things from a different perspective which might be very helpful! All in all, make sure to study a topic that is of interest for you, be realistic in what you think you can handle and treat yourself every once in a while.

You deserve it!

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