***IMPORTANT PLEASE READ***: A deposit equivalent to 2 months' rent will be held by us during the rental period. If you are happy to proceed, then please send us a Booking Request with a message confirming that you have read & accepted this. In your first message to us, please also include the following information: - Information about your occupation / income / studies. - Do you have any pets? - Any other important information about yourself to support your application. If we receive your confirmation and the above information in the first message we will accept your booking request and send your profile to the landlord, who will then decide. Please note, a call with the landlord will be set up after the booking confirmation. If this information is not provided in the first message then other tenants will be prioritized. Thank you! Hägersten 55kvm 2 rum och kök, ligger i ett äldre område, ingen genomfartstrafik ligger vid vändplan, 3 våningshus, min ligger i mitten, skog och naturområde på baksidan, 10 min söder om Stockholm city med bil tåg buss, finns bra kommunala medel. All möblering ingår plus all köksservis. Tele2 grundutbud tv kanaler månadskostnad 329 kr, Bredband kan ordnas efter övernskommelse ca 299kr/mån. Min planering är utlandsvistelse 12 månader, datum kan diskuteras närmare. Kan även acceptera inneboende tillsvidare 3000/mån inkl allt. . Hyresgästen tecknar egen hemförsäkrning och el avtal vid andrahandsuthyrningen. Uthyrningen måste godkännas av Stockholms Hem. 55 square meters 2 rooms and kitchen, located in an older area, no through traffic located on a turnpike, 3 storey building, mine is in the middle, forest and natural area at the back, 10 min south of Stockholm city by car train bus, there are good municipal funds. All furniture is included plus all kitchenware. Tele2 basic range of TV channels monthly cost SEK 329, Broadband can be arranged after agreement approx. SEK 299/month. My plan is to stay abroad for 12 months, dates can be discussed in more detail. Can also accept permanent residents. 3000/month oncl all. The tenant takes out their own home insurance and electricity contract when subletting. The rental must be approved by Stockholms Hem...
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