NO APPLICATION FEES. Lowest price for this amazing TOWNHOUSE. Please complete your application as soon as possible. Beautiful four bedroom, three bathroom Townhouse. Five mins to the beach, 5 mins to the freeways. Amazing neighbors, attached garage. Please do not miss this opportunity, this is the nicest Townhouse in the neighborhood. Some unique features to include, if applicable: - Flooring: Beautiful Laminate? - Natural light and windows: Lots of windows, Beautiful Patio doors, High ceiling. - Storage and closets: Every room has a closet. Lots of storage space, including a storage room in the Garage. - Appliances: Ready hook ups for washer and dryer for your own private laundry. Double Stove Gas oven. - Smart home features: A "Ring" Wireless doorbells will be included, smart thermostats, and original centralized Radio system through out the Townhouse. - Utilities: Cable/satellite TV, internet ready - Pet owners: Cats are allowed...
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