HIP ! CHIC ! WITH A FUNNY JUNGLE YARD VERY NICE QUIET AREA WITH HILLS AT 10 MIN WALK FROM EXARCHIA AND KOLONAKI 10 MIN WALK FROM METRO ''ALEXANDRAS'' use the main streets and if you are more sporty you can use the hills.. BUSES FOR ANY DESTINATION FROM THE VERY CENTRAL ALEXANDRAS BOULEVARD DEAR GUESTS WELCOME AND PLEASE TRY TO RESPECT THAT ; -CANDLES ARE STRICKTLY FORBIDDEN -Electric calculator by the corridor (you have to take a picture of that in your check in -Don’t forget your air conditioning on.. - Switch on and off the hot water 15 min before using. -PLEASE DO NOT THROW ANYTHING INSIDE THE TOILET -Do not leave the balcony doors open, even when you are inside the house.. haw strong winds and can break windows. -Always put water softener in the washing machine before use.. -No parties and meetings in the yard -Please always leave the dehumidifier running. --PLEASE... IT IS FORBIDDEN TO MOVE FURNITURES -DO NOT PUT MUSIC LOUD AFTER 22.30 and between 15.00-17.30 Greeks are taking a nup. -TAKE OUT THE GARBAGE REGULARY --PLEASE... IT IS FORBIDDEN TO MOVE FURNITURES.. -once per month cleaning lady-cleaning products have to be replaced befere next arrival -IF you leave before the end of your contract , you can lose your deposit -THANK YOU IN ADVANCE SOOOOO MUCH VENU...
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