Via del Moro
Gesamte Wohnung
Wohnungseigentum: 45 m²
Platz für 2 Personen
1 Schlafzimmer

Bright and cosy, one-bedroom apartment in Florence, in the Santa Maria Novella area. Located on the second floor, without elevator (53 steps to climb), of a building on Via del Moro near Piazza Goldoni, a neighborhood rich with shops. In the area there are several famous Tuscan restaurants such as I Latini, which is just a 5 minute walk away. Guests have access to a fully equipped kitchen and are provided with bed linens and towels. Upon arrival, our staff will be waiting at the apartment to explain how everything works and to hand over the keys. During your stay, our staff is available to address any requests or concerns. Classic flat (45 sqm / 484 sqf) with original Florentine terracotta floors. The property was renovated in November 2021 and is bright thanks to its view of Piazza Goldoni. As the guests enter the apartment, they will find themselves in the living room, furnished with a table, a pull-out couch and a Smart TV which allows you to connect to your Netflix account. The ceiling in the living room is made of wooden paneling. The open kitchen is fully equipped, it also includes induction plates, a microwave and everything needed for cooking. The bedroom has a comfortable double bed; and the bathroom has a bathtub with shower head. Ideal for a small family looking for a short term rental. Close to the main train station, perfect for those who want to discover the city and the most renowned places in Tuscany. Air conditioning: the property includes a portable air conditioning unit, whose drain hose can be attached to the window of the living room, so the warm air blows directly outside the flat. The rental price includes the initial and the final cleaning, the rent, the condominium expenses, Italian taxes (television and garbage), WiFi internet and bills. For electricity and gas, in particular, we include a forfait of € 100 per month. Only if you exceed this forfait, you would have to pay the difference. Important: guests are required to pay a tourist tax not included in the price (€ 5,50 per adult, per night. It is applied only on the first 7 nights). Area: The apartment is located near the square of Santa Maria Novella. This area of Florence is a 15 minute walk to the main cultural attractions such as the Uffizi Gallery, the Duomo, the Bargello Museum, Piazza della Signoria and Palazzo Vecchio. The area is mainly residential so there is a variety of grocery stores, bakeries, supermarkets, restaurants, bars and cafes. In the area you will also find the “Stazione Leopolda”, Florence’s former railway station which has been converted into a vibrant exhibition hall used for events such as craft fairs, television and fashion shows and also cultural and business meetings. The Parco delle Cascine, Florence’s largest public park popular with walkers, joggers, horse riders and families, is also just 10 minutes away by foot. For people choosing an apartment in this area, there are plenty of food stores otherwise known as “alimentari”, mini markets, launderettes, banks, pharmacies and gift shops. Public transportation: Well served area, the apartment is close to the bus and the tram stops, as well as to the main railway station: Santa Maria Novella. Pets: Pets are allowed (€ 20+VAT per night, limited to the first 5 nights)...

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Einrichtungen und Ausstattung
  • Privates Wohnzimmer
  • Private Toilette
  • Private Küche
  • Privates Badezimmer

  • Unbekannter Fußboden
  • Gasheizung
  • Privates Küchengeschirr
  • WiFi
Regeln und Präferenzen
  • Alter:mindestens 18
  • Geschlecht:keine Vorliebe
  • Art von Mieter:Studenten, Berufstätige
  • Für Paare geeignetJa

  • Musikinstrumente spielen erlaubt:Verhandelbar
  • Haustiere erlaubt:Ja
  • Rauchen erlaubt:Nur draußen
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Buchung ist bestätigtEinzugstag48 Stunden nach dem Einzug
Es werden nur die Anzahl der Tage Ihres Aufenthalts in Rechnung gestellt.

Strikte Stornierung

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  • Innerhalb von 24 Stunden - volle Rückerstattung der ersten Monatsmiete
  • Nach 24 Stunden - keine Rückerstattung

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Abgedeckt durch MieterschutzWir garantieren dir einen stressfreien Einzug oder du erhältst dein Geld zurück.
Stressfreier EinzugWenn der*die Vermieter*in in letzter Minute storniert oder deinen Einzug verzögert, erhältst du Hilfe bei der Suche nach einer anderen Unterkunft oder einem vorübergehenden Hotelaufenthalt.
Schnelle UnterstützungWenn bei deiner Buchung etwas schiefläuft, können wir helfen, alles wieder richtigzustellen.
Einfache RückerstattungBei uns ist deine Bezahlung sicher bis zum Einzug. Wenn die Unterkunft nicht der Beschreibung entspricht, erhältst du eine Rückerstattung.
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