Corso di Porta Vittoria
Gesamte Wohnung
Wohnungseigentum: 120 m²
Platz für 3 Personen
2 Schlafzimmer

🏡Apartment - Corso di Porta Vittoria - milano🏡 Luxury two bedroom two bathroom apartment located at the heart of Milan, in the vicinity of the subway stops Duomo and San Babila (red line, MM1). The apartment - of about 120 sqm - is located on the third floor (with elevator) and has been recently renovated, featuring top quality design items. Furniture, tailor- and hand-made, has been created by the designer Samuele Mazza. The lighting system is by Artemide, not to mention the other brands you find around: Kartell, Maggioni, Neff. Household appliances are by Miele, in the bedrooms you find top-quality memory foam orthopedic mattresses. The paintings are unique pieces by Luca Rossi Schmidt, a promising young artist who personally took care of the decorations. Another remarkable feature is the lacquered white washed oak flooring. The apartment offers a bright and quiet ambiance, since all the windows overlook the rear of the building. It also comes with double glazed windows, air conditioning and mosquito nets in all rooms. Guests have access to a fully equipped kitchen and are provided with bed linens and towels. Upon arrival, our staff will be waiting at the apartment to explain how everything works and to hand over the keys. During your stay, our staff is available to address any requests or concerns. The apartment opens onto the hallway: from here you enter the living room, furnished with a L-shaped sofa, a TV corner and a table for 6 people. The kitchen, fully fitted and perfectly equipped, also features a microwave oven and a dishwasher. From the living room you get out onto the balcony with views of the surrounding greenery. Walking past the living room you reach two separate night areas: the first one comprises the double bedroom, which has a big 4-door closet, a writing desk, a TV set and an en-suite marble bathroom (with shower); the second one comprises a single bedroom (single bed, 120 cm large), furnished with a 2-door closet and a writing desk. The room has its own en-suite marble bathroom (with tub). The rental price includes the initial and the final cleaning, the rent, the condominium expenses, Italian taxes (television and garbage), WiFi internet and bills. For electricity and gas, in particular, we include a forfait of € 120 per month. Only if you exceed this forfait, you would have to pay the difference. Important: City tourist tax: € 2.00 per person per night, for the first 14 nights. Area: Corso di Porta Vittoria, located in the heart of Milan, is an elegant and upscale district, well served and perfectly connected to the city centre and the main points of interest. Some of the places within walking distance or a short metro/tram or bus ride away: - San Babila square, just moments away - Duomo, Milan’s landmark, and the Scala square, home to the famous La Scala theatre - the Royal Palace (Palazzo Reale) and the Museo del Novecento (20th Century Museum), housing both temporary exhibitions and permanent collections all year round - the Rotonda della Besana, a deconsecrated church standing in the middle of an impressive cloister and now used for art exhibitions - Villa Necchi Campiglio, a jewel of style and elegance at the heart of Milan, surrounded by a lovely, always open garden, where you can stand under the shadow of the imposing magnolias - the Milan Institute of the Blind (Istituto dei Ciechi di Milano), offering a one-of-a-kind experience, the ‘Dialogo nel Buio’: it’s an exhibition/journey standing apart from everything you have ever experienced before, because of the total lack of light and the fact that visitors must rely only on touch, hearing, smell and taste to explore the exhibition areas - the Quadrilatero della Moda (Milan’s Fashion District), enclosed between Via Monte Napoleone, Via Manzoni, Via della Spiga and Corso Venezia, which offers the most exclusive jewelries, boutiques and designer showrooms of Milan. The area is also renowned for the many restaurants, clubs and bars. We recommend: - Pizzeria Spontini, for an authentic Italian pizza, made from 100% original Italian ingredients; - Lacerba, original restaurant-wine bar known for its excellent cocktails and culinary experiments; - Giulio Pane e Ojo, typical Roman tavern, preferring strong flavors and food quality; - Zio Pesce, famous for the Italian dishes of freshly caught fish; - Pizzeria Gino Sorbillo, your place if you are addicted to original Neapolitan pizza; - California Bakery, a trendy café with internal garden offering light desserts, US-style recipes and brunches. Shopping lovers won’t be dissatisfied: moments way you find the renowned shopping malls Coin (Piazza V Giornate) and Rinascente (Piazza del Duomo). Public transportation: The apartment is located only moments from the subway stop San Babila (red line MM1). Duomo square is about 15 minutes on foot. In very close proximity you also find several tramway and bus stops (tramway lines 12, 23 and 27; bus lines 54, 60, 65, 73, 84 and 94). Line 73 takes to Linate airport in about 30 minutes, whilst line 60 takes to the Central Station in less than 20 minutes. Pets: Pets are not allowed in this property. Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you...

Einrichtungen und Ausstattung
  • Privates Wohnzimmer
  • Private Toilette
  • Private Küche
  • Privates Badezimmer

  • Zentralheizung
  • Privates Küchengeschirr
  • WiFi
  • Wohnzimmermöbel
Regeln und Präferenzen
  • Alter:keine Vorliebe
  • Geschlecht:keine Vorliebe
  • Art von Mieter:Studenten, Berufstätige
  • Für Paare geeignetJa

  • Musikinstrumente spielen erlaubt:Nein
  • Haustiere erlaubt:Verhandelbar
  • Rauchen erlaubt:Nein
Dein Geld ist bis zu 48 Stunden nach dem Einzug sicher.Wenn die Immobilie beim Einzug der Beschreibung des Inserats nicht entspricht, teile uns dies innerhalb von 48 Stunden mit. Dann kannst du eventuell eine Rückerstattung erhalten.
Dein Geld ist sicher
Buchung ist bestätigtEinzugstag48 Stunden nach dem Einzug
Es werden nur die Anzahl der Tage Ihres Aufenthalts in Rechnung gestellt.

Strikte Stornierung

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  • Innerhalb von 24 Stunden - volle Rückerstattung der ersten Monatsmiete
  • Nach 24 Stunden - keine Rückerstattung

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Abgedeckt durch MieterschutzWir garantieren dir einen stressfreien Einzug oder du erhältst dein Geld zurück.
Stressfreier EinzugWenn der*die Vermieter*in in letzter Minute storniert oder deinen Einzug verzögert, erhältst du Hilfe bei der Suche nach einer anderen Unterkunft oder einem vorübergehenden Hotelaufenthalt.
Schnelle UnterstützungWenn bei deiner Buchung etwas schiefläuft, können wir helfen, alles wieder richtigzustellen.
Einfache RückerstattungBei uns ist deine Bezahlung sicher bis zum Einzug. Wenn die Unterkunft nicht der Beschreibung entspricht, erhältst du eine Rückerstattung.
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