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365 rooms, studios and apartments for rent in Hamburg, Germany

What is the average rent in Hamburg?

The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Hamburg amounts to €1,028. Tenants pay an average of €516 including utilities for a private room and €745 for a studio. Rents vary among the seven districts in Hamburg, so you may expect higher rental prices in districts located around the Außenalster, such as Uhlenhorst, Harvestehude and Eppendorf, than in districts in the outer districts such as Bergedorf or Wandsbek.

Which are the best districts in Hamburg?

The most densely populated district of Eimsbüttel attracts young families and students with its old buildings, hip cafés and convenient location. The more tranquil district of Winterhude, located in the north, captivates its residents with its splendid historic buildings and chic villas, and its proximity to the Außenalster and the city park (Stadtpark) creates a balance between the urban life and natural scenery.

Which is the safest neighbourhood in Hamburg?

On the mini island of Neuwerk in the district of Mitte, the police are fortunate: not a single crime was committed there in 2018. And the rural area of Gut Moor (near Harburg) is also considered the safest area in Hamburg, followed by Reitbrook and Spadenland (in the Bergedorf district). In contrast, St. Georg remains the most dangerous place in the city with 20,047 cases due to its proximity to the railway station. However, according to a survey, residents do feel safe in St. Georg.