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672 rooms, studios and apartments for rent in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

What is the average rental price in Frankfurt?

Renting a room in Frankfurt will cost you around €633 a month (including utilities). The added comfort and privacy of a studio cost tenants an average of €873 a month with utilities included. A one bedroom apartment in Frankfurt including utilities is yours for an average rental price of €1086 a month.

Which districts in Frankfurt offer the lowest rental prices?

The general rule of thumb for major cities is: the further from the city centre, the more affordable it becomes. In terms of Frankfurt, this means neighbourhoods like Höchst, Fechenheim and areas south of the River Main (excluding Sachenhausen) are generally more affordable while still being well connected to the busier city areas.

What are the best districts in Frankfurt?

The best district depends on your needs! As a student, you’ll feel most at home in Bockenheim, with its many affordable student-occupied flats and proximity to the University. As a young professional looking to be close to the action, Sachsenhausen and Bornheim can satisfy your work-life balance with plenty of places to go out to eat, dance and enjoy yourself before coming home to one of the many apartment nice complexes. Are you bringing your family along? Then the Gallus Europaviertel offers affordable, high quality housing in a brand new neighborhood with plenty of schools and easy access to the rest of Frankfurt!