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Shared or private rooms, student housing, co-living, it’s all here.
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Send a booking request.
Know within 48 hours which favorite will be your next home.
Pay, and it’s yours
Move in, check it out. All good? Landlord gets your money. Not okay? We’ll help make it right.
Exclusive discount
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Booking protection
If the landlord cancels at the last minute or delays your move-in, HousingAnywhere’s Tenant Protection policy has your back.
Prioritised by landlords
Your booking requests get priority from landlords. You’ll find your home 7x faster than other home seekers.
Refund policy
If the place doesn’t match the description at all, you could get a full refund.
Trust & Safety team
If something goes wrong with your booking, HousingAnywhere has a dedicated team to help make it right.
Safe from scams
Scam listings are removed instantly. Fraud landlords get banned permanently.