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Zna Angielski, Hiszpański, Francuski, Włoski

Ostatnie logowanie ponad 2 tygodni temu

Wiek: 43
Property Manager
Angielski, Hiszpański, Francuski, Włoski
Członkostwo od:
czerwiec 2016
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Poznaj użytkownika Nils

Dzień dobry! Mam na imię Nils.
We offer all-inclusive housing with exactly the kind of services that students and universities need for a great study abroad experience. Our team is dedicated to opening the world to international students by providing an authentic living experience in some of Europe’s most beautiful cities, while helping them to feel comfortable and supported during their study abroad adventure. Please, be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. When you book through HousingAnywhere, the platform keeps your payment safe until 48 hours after your move-in date. In case the room is not as advertised, you will be entitled to get a refund. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you! Our apartments are all-inclusive! What does all-inclusive mean? Well, all of our apartments have: · Plenty of storage space · A welcome packet with important moving in information · Fully-furnished kitchen & Comfortable living area · Washing machine, microwave, etc. · Reliable Wi-Fi On top of this… Þ Our own facilities management teams inspect, maintain and/or renovate our apartments to ensure they continually meet our high standards. Þ Personalized, adaptable service. Þ Check-in & check-out services Þ Landlord liaison Þ 24/7 emergency assistance Þ Online, on-call maintenance service ready to resolve any problem Þ Multilingual, multicultural staff available throughout students’ time abroad BlueStripe also fully covers the following fees: Þ Broker’s fee Þ Agency fee/commission Þ Housing taxes Þ Apartment insurance Þ Utilities (electricity, gas, water) ..and there is no need for a guarantor!