Про рекламодавця

Вітаю, мене звати LABI!

Hi there and thanks for picking my place! I guarantee you that this is going to be a great stay. I’m Labi and I’m a marketing professional, splitting my time between Athens and a village in Northern Greece. I also stay a lot at my girlfriend’s place near the sea. Yes, as you might have guessed, I work from home and like moving around with my laptop and my puppy! I recently renovated this apartment with much love and - I hope - good style. I love interacting with people from all the different parts of the globe. My place is warmly open to groups of friends, romantic couples, families, travelers and business people of all cultural identities. Ask me anything - I’m responsive and I hope you are, too. Good communication saves time and energy, right? Welcome and have a wonderful stay in the coolest neighborhood of Athens!



Є користувачем з

березень 2023



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