4400 DKK
На місяць,
без компослуг, депозит обов’язковий
Приватна кімната у квартира
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My current roommate will buy his own apartment soon, why I will be looking for you! Your room will be fairly large at 14 sqm., unfurnished, except for a big closet and quite cosy. The kitchen is also quite nice with gas stove and dishwasher if you like cooking. You will have access to our beautiful backyard with indoor bike-parking, and everything else in the building like a workshop and cheap laundry facilities for that matter. The apartment is right next to the library in Sydhavnen, as w...

Правила та переваги
  • Вік:Будь-яка
  • Стать:Будь-яка
  • Тип орендаря:Студенти, працюючі фахівці
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