800 EUR
На місяць,
без компослуг, депозит не потрібен
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Country In The City: Room For Rent Room for rent in our unusual light-filled and quiet 120m2 home which has wall to wall windows overlooking a large private garden. Our house and garden are tucked away behind a building with a digicode. The bedroom has lots of light and overlooks the garden. It is 10M2 w/ loft bed - see pics. We have a real kitchen and all amenities: washer, dryer, dishwasher, cable TV, high speed internet. Aside from the cats, you will be sharing the house with a writer, a phot...

Правила та переваги
  • Вік:Будь-яка
  • Стать:Будь-яка
  • Тип орендаря:Студенти, працюючі фахівці
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