Ціла квартира
Об’єкт нерухомості: 700 sqft
Простір для стількох людей: 4
3 кімнати

One-of-a-kind opportunity to live in this outstanding apartment! This property is characterized by its very elegant design. The interiors have a bright and full light, giving the space an alluring energy. Very spacious interiors create a peaceful atmosphere. This stunning property features high ceilings that give the area a roomy and fresh feeling, large windows to brighten up the space and also give you great street views, decoration to the smallest detail, all the furniture you need, a fully equipped kitchen to cook anything you please, in other words, a great place to come home to! The bedrooms come with comfortable double beds so you will have all the space you need, a closet offering all the space you need for your belongings, and whatever you bring to make this room your own! Please note: - If the lease starting in September is over 6 months (after February) then the rent price is 5,500$. Security deposit - A security deposit equal to one month's rent is required on leases two months and over. - A security deposit equal to 1/2 month's rent is required on 1-month leases. - A security deposit equal to 1/2 month's rent is required If all rent is paid upfront. - Your security deposit will be returned to you within 2 weeks of your departure. Living in East Harlem, also known as El Barrio or Spanish Harlem, provides a rich cultural experience in a diverse and vibrant neighborhood in Upper Manhattan, New York City. Here's a detailed description of what it's like to live in East Harlem: Location and Accessibility: East Harlem is situated in Upper Manhattan, bordered by the East River to the east, Fifth Avenue to the west, 96th Street to the south, and 142nd Street to the north. The neighborhood benefits from excellent transportation options, with multiple subway lines and bus routes providing easy access to other parts of Manhattan and beyond. Cultural Diversity: East Harlem is known for its cultural diversity, with a predominantly Latino and African American population. The neighborhood is rich in heritage and traditions, offering residents a chance to immerse themselves in the vibrant rhythms of Latin music, dance, and cuisine. The cultural diversity of East Harlem creates a unique and lively atmosphere that sets it apart from other neighborhoods in Manhattan. Community Spirit: East Harlem has a strong sense of community and a close-knit neighborhood feel. Residents often engage in community events, street fairs, and festivals that celebrate the local culture and history. The community actively works together to create a welcoming and inclusive environment, fostering a sense of belonging and unity among its residents. Affordable Housing: East Harlem is known for offering more affordable housing options compared to other Manhattan neighborhoods. While the area has seen some development and gentrification in recent years, there are still opportunities to find reasonably priced apartments, brownstones, and walk-up buildings. This makes East Harlem an attractive option for those seeking more affordable housing in Manhattan. Culinary Delights: East Harlem boasts a vibrant food scene with a diverse range of culinary offerings. The neighborhood is known for its authentic Latin American, Caribbean, and soul food restaurants. Residents can savor delicious dishes like Puerto Rican mofongo, Mexican tacos, Dominican mangu, and Southern-style comfort food. Additionally, East Harlem has a bustling local market, La Marqueta, where residents can find fresh produce, specialty foods, and artisanal products. Green Spaces: East Harlem is home to several parks and green spaces where residents can relax, exercise, and enjoy the outdoors. The most notable park in the area is Thomas Jefferson Park, which offers recreational facilities such as sports fields, basketball courts, playgrounds, and a swimming pool. Additionally, nearby Randall's Island Park provides even more opportunities for outdoor activities, including walking trails, sports fields, and waterfront views. Cultural Institutions: East Harlem is home to various cultural institutions that celebrate the neighborhood's history and artistic contributions. El Museo del Barrio showcases Latin American and Caribbean art and culture, while the Museum of the City of New York offers exhibitions and programs that explore the city's diverse heritage. These institutions provide opportunities for residents to engage with art, history, and educational activities. Convenient Amenities: East Harlem has a range of convenient amenities to meet residents' daily needs. The neighborhood offers supermarkets, local shops, pharmacies, and healthcare facilities. There are also community centers, libraries, and schools that cater to the educational and recreational needs of residents. Proximity to Central Park and Museums: East Harlem is located in close proximity to Central Park, one of New York City's most iconic landmarks. Residents can easily access the park and enjoy its vast green spaces, walking paths, recreational facilities, and cultural attractions. The neighborhood is also within reach of renowned museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. Growing Development: East Harlem has seen ongoing development and revitalization efforts in recent years, leading to improvements in infrastructure, housing options, and community amenities. New residential buildings, restaurants, and businesses continue to emerge, adding to the neighborhood's evolving landscape. Living in East Harlem offers a unique cultural experience, a sense of community, and affordable housing options within the vibrant backdrop of New York City. The neighborhood's rich heritage, culinary delights, green spaces, and convenient amenities contribute to a dynamic and fulfilling lifestyle for its residents. Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore, exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible before the booking. Send me a message with a short description of yourself and, if you want to rent the place and when, directly send me a booking request or a message, and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you...

Facilities and amenities
  • З приватною вітальнею
  • З приватним туалетом
  • З приватною кухнею
  • Приватна ванна кімната

  • З приватним кухонним приладдям
  • З Wi-Fi
  • З меблями у вітальні
  • З ліжком
Правила та переваги
  • Вік:Будь-яка
  • Стать:Будь-яка
  • Тип орендаря:Студенти, працюючі фахівці
  • Підходить для пар:Так
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Як забронювати цей об’єкт нерухомості

Коли ви знайдете об’єкт нерухомості, який вам сподобається, забронювати його дуже просто. Орендарям та орендодавцю необхідно узгодити умови, перш ніж оформляти бронювання. Ось як це працює:

  1. Виберіть дати, щоб перевірити доступність.
  2. Зв'яжіться з орендодавцем, натиснувши кнопку «Зв’язатися».
  3. Представтесь орендодавцю. Задайте будь-які питання, які вас цікавлять.
  4. Коли будете готові бронювати, надішліть запит на бронювання.
  5. Коли орендодавець прийме запит і оплата буде здіійснена, бронювання житла буде завершено.

Вам не потрібно робити огляд на платформі HousingAnywhere, ось чому:

  1. Усі об’єкти нерухомості на платформі HousingAnywhere супроводжуються фото та чітким описом. Якщо щось незрозуміло, ви можете зв’язатися з орендодавцем.
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  3. Платформа HousingAnywhere гарантує, що житло відповідає оголошенню, надсилаючи орендодавцю виплати лише після того, як ви заїдете.
Після оформлення бронювання вам будуть доступні контактні дані орендодавця. Ви можете зв'язатися з орендодавцем, або продовжувати користуватися чатом HousingAnywhere. Усі наступні витрати на оренду можна безпечно оплатити на платформі HousingAnywhere.
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Переїзд без стресуЯкщо орендодавець скасує оренду в останню хвилину або затримає ваш переїзд, ви отримаєте допомогу в пошуку місця або тимчасового перебування в готелі.
Швидка підтримкаЯкщо щось піде не так з вашим бронюванням, ми допоможемо виправити це.
Легке відшкодування коштівМи зберігаємо ваш платіж у безпеці, доки ви не заселитесь. Якщо місце не відповідає опису, ви отримаєте відшкодування.
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