Ціла квартира
Об’єкт нерухомості: 58 m²
Простір для стількох людей: 2
1 кімната

Business Apartment, Cologne-Mülheim, near the trade fair. *The lease can be easily extended after a rental period of 6 months.* This suite creates spatial experiences on several levels! It is located on the 2nd floor of an old ‘Gründerzeit’-building from the late 19th century. In historical building fabric, the apartment reveals contemporary architectural sophistication with intelligent spatial references, high-quality materials, elegant light and color concept and loving furnishings. In 2022, the suite was carefully refurbished, incorporating design, architectural history, building material and health criteria. The suite stretches from the front, facing the street, to the back house – the ‘Hinterhaus’ – and has own terrace. The layout of the apartment is both open and efficiently arranged. It is a perfect fit for a single person, however it is big enough to accommodate a couple as well. The entrance of the suite has a wardrobe with a rack. Passing the bathroom, you step into the built-in bulthaup-kitchen, facing the courtyard. In there, as in the entire apartment, indirect lighting lends the space an atmospheric ambience, emphasizing the 19th century-high ceilings. Both the 19th-century-timber frames with brick infill and the restored brick walls come aesthetically into their own. Descending from the adjacent dressing room you enter the sleeping area with an exceptionally comfortable bed. A partition wall, containing built-in closets, indicates another dressing room with a French window, leading up to the apartment’s own secluded 10 sqm sun terrace. The furnished living room with a stucco ceiling brickstone walls is located in the front of the house. The on-site trash room is next to the discrete gateway to the supermarket in the back of the property in the courtyard. Airing the apartment is simplified through the well-proportioned double casement windows with blinds. The choice of carpets, curtains, pillows, and covers results from a thoughtful material and color concept, focusing on natural materials and balanced colors. All surfaces of the walls, floors and fixtures are designed to be easy-care. The mineral building materials, used throughout the restoration in combination with ceramic tiled floors, and floor heating provide an excellent indoor climate. Ventilating appropriately, this tenant-friendly climate can easily be kept healthy, clean and hygienic. The built-in kitchen is a premium product customized for this loft by the German kitchen manufacturer bulthaup. It contains a great amount of storage space, a refrigerator, an induction cooker, an oven, and a dishwasher. The bathroom has a walk-in shower and is equipped with a washer-dryer, laundry baskets, a shelve, and a mirrored wall unit. All apartments in this 19th century apartment building were thoughtfully refurbished using high quality mineral renders, filler, and paints. The materials allow an excellent moisture exchange between the wall surface and the room air. They are open pore and absolutely water vapor permeable. High ceilings, high windows, floors with floor heating, selected textiles, exquisite furniture and lights refine the newly designed spaces with both elegance and comfort. All apartments are non-smoking apartments! To us, it was important to unite aesthetics and functionality in order to convert the old building into a contemporary space and design, offering a luxury living space, designed to stand the test of time...

Facilities and amenities
  • З приватною вітальнею
  • З приватним туалетом
  • З приватною кухнею
  • Приватна ванна кімната

  • З ламінатом
  • З центральним опаленням
  • З приватним кухонним приладдям
  • З Wi-Fi
Правила та переваги
  • Вік:18 - 50+
  • Стать:Будь-яка
  • Тип орендаря:Студенти, працюючі фахівці
  • Підходить для пар:Так
  • Дозволяється гра на музичних інструментах:Yes
  • Дозволено перебування з домашніми тваринами:No
  • Дозволено куріння:No
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Як забронювати цей об’єкт нерухомості

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  1. Виберіть дати, щоб перевірити доступність.
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  1. Усі об’єкти нерухомості на платформі HousingAnywhere супроводжуються фото та чітким описом. Якщо щось незрозуміло, ви можете зв’язатися з орендодавцем.
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Після оформлення бронювання вам будуть доступні контактні дані орендодавця. Ви можете зв'язатися з орендодавцем, або продовжувати користуватися чатом HousingAnywhere. Усі наступні витрати на оренду можна безпечно оплатити на платформі HousingAnywhere.
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Переїзд без стресуЯкщо орендодавець скасує оренду в останню хвилину або затримає ваш переїзд, ви отримаєте допомогу в пошуку місця або тимчасового перебування в готелі.
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Легке відшкодування коштівМи зберігаємо ваш платіж у безпеці, доки ви не заселитесь. Якщо місце не відповідає опису, ви отримаєте відшкодування.
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