Cameră privată în apartament
Dormitor: 8 m²
Proprietate: 77 m²
Spațiu pentru 1 persoană
1 coleg de apartament (mixt)

Hosts Tom & Tara welcome you. 15 minute walk to Karolinska Institute. A room in the city, attractive area. Our place is located in the heart of the characteristic Birkastan, also called "Lilla Paris" near Rörstrandsgatan and entertainment with a wide range of restaurants, cafes, theater and elegant cinema in retro style. With proximity to Karlberg Castle and beautiful walking paths along the Karlberg Canal and bathing opportunities. In the area there is also a green city park and two grocery stores. The house is on a return street, quiet and safe area. Good energy in the room (the room is perhaps the best part of the apartment). No guests in the room or in the apartment are allowed. There is a comfortable bed (105 cm). Central room with good bus links and close to Odenplan and St Eriksplan (subway stops). It is very well located. The size of the room is about 8 sqm. A lift is available in the house. You share the apartment with Tom, Monica and another guest who also rents a room. Here you live in a quiet location in the heart of Birkastan with its lovely charm and rich selection of shops and entertainment. The area with Rörstrandsgatan at the tip is well known as it offers one of Stockholm's most exciting pub and restaurant offerings. Also nearby are many green areas offering lovely walks, Vasaparken and Karlberg Castle Park with exercise trails and swimming opportunities. By bike you easily reach Hagaparken with lovely lawns, tennis courts, cafes and restaurants as well as a canoe club next to Brunnsviken. Very good communications nearby with buses, metro, airport bus from St. Eriksplan and commuter train from Vanadisplan and Odenplan. The apartment is located near Rörstrandsgatan, which is one of Stockholm's restaurant's densest streets. There is a desk and chair in the room. The balcony is in the kitchen in south facing position. In the room you find a closet/wardrobe 60*58*258 cm. Minimum rental period 5 months. We put a high value on your integrity and private life. Our home and area is a safe and secure place to be. Its a place where you can rest and gather strength. Your stay can also inspire you to succeed and succeed in your private and / or professional life. Rules that apply: Do not use shoes indoors Quiet (silence) after 10 pm No perfume If you cook food, close the kitchen door and open the balcony door, to ventilate. We turn off Wi-Fi at 10pm in the evening and open up in the morning when we wake up about 8am weekdays and 9am weekends. A cable internet is available in your room and can be used around the clock (24/7). We do not have Wi-Fi at night because it is unhealthy. There is one another guest room with a tenant in the apartment. No guests are allowed in the room or in the apartment. Its not allowed to bring other people to the apartment. You may not have guests staying overnight in the room. We don't want you to have visitors sleeping in your room or staying over the weekend. We do not you to bring any friends or people to the apartment. No smoking in apartment or balcony or outside the building, and no drugs Do not smoke near the apartment entrance/do not stand outside the building smoking. Laundry every 14 days (you can wash in the laundry every two weeks and you get detergent from us). You share the laundry with the other guest, two washing machines are available. Use a headset while listening to the computer and talking on the cellphone. Try to speak quietly on the cellphone so that you do not disturb. Do not walk around in the apartment and talk on the cellphone. Do not use the speaker on your cellphone. Please do not talk in your cellphone/(hidden)/FaceTime/(hidden) etc. after 10 pm. Use a headset while listening to the computer and talking on the cellphone. Speak quietly on the cellphone so that you do not disturb. Keep personal phone calls short. When you are done in the kitchen, leave it in same condition as it was from the beginning. When you are done in the bathroom, leave the door a little bit open for ventilation. Please keep the kitchen, bathroom and the laundry space clean. Its not allowed to disturb the neighbours (or us in the apartment) at any hours, We are awarded the title "Superhost" (Axrbxb) because we are the most experienced hosts, have satisfied guests and an outstanding hospitality. Superhosts are experienced, highly rated hosts who are committed to providing great stays for guests. We provide bedclothes, sheets and showertowel for you. Please only use the kitchen for eating and cooking! Do not use the kitchen for studying, the computer or to work in. Before you look the front door to the apartment, you need to lift up the handle. The vacuum cleaner is in a cupboard outside room no. 2. You clean your room yourself during your stay. you may be disturbed by the neighbour playing music and having friends some weekends evening. Guests have said it feels like living together in a collective in the apartment. You can not store your bike in the house (there is no space in the bike room) Sometimes staying a small dog in the apartment, Bischon Havanais. If you lose the keys to the apartment, we charge a fee of 50 euros. Wifi-nätverksnam: Zyxel_7B81 We are looking forward to hosting you! Greetings Tom & Tar...

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Facilități și dotări care sporesc confortul
  • Toaletă comună
  • Bucătărie comună
  • Balcon comun
  • Fără parcare

  • Pardoseală din lemn
  • Încălzire electrică
  • Ustensile de bucătărie comune
  • WiFi
Reguli și preferințe
  • Vârsta:max. 30
  • Sex:Nicio preferință
  • Tipul de chiriaș:Studenți, angajați
  • Potrivit pentru cupluri:Nu

  • Utilizarea de instrumente muzicale este permisă:Nu
  • Animalele de companie sunt permise:Nu
  • Fumatul este permis:Nu
Banii tăi sunt în siguranță până la 48 de ore după ce te muți în locațieAtunci când te muți, dacă proprietatea nu corespunde descrierii din listare, informează-ne în decurs de 48 de ore și poți obține o rambursare.
Banii tăi sunt în siguranță
Rezervarea este confirmatăZiua mutării în locație48 de ore după mutarea în locație
Tipul contractului
Vei plăti doar pentru numărul de zile de ședere.
Politică de anulare

Anulare strictă

Dacă anulezi această rezervare

  • În decurs de 24 de ore de la confirmare – Rambursarea integrală a chiriei pe prima lună
  • După 24 de ore de la confirmare – Fără rambursare

Cum să rezervi această proprietate

Când găsești o proprietate care-ți place este destul de simplu să efectuezi o rezervare. Atât chiriașul, cât și proprietarul trebuie să confirme înainte de a finaliza o rezervare. Iată cum funcționează:

  1. Selectează-ți datele pentru a verifica disponibilitatea.
  2. Contactează proprietarul făcând clic pe butonul de contact.
  3. Prezintă-te proprietarului. Adresează orice întrebări pe care le-ai putea avea.
  4. Când ești gata să rezervi, trimite o cerere de rezervare.
  5. Când proprietarul aprobă și plata este finalizată, ai rezervat cu succes proprietatea.

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Asigurat de Protecția chiriașilorÎți garantăm o mutare fără stres sau îți returnăm banii.
Mutare lipsită de stresDacă proprietarul anulează în ultimul moment sau amână mutarea, vei fi ajutat să găsești o altă locație sau să te cazezi temporar la un hotel.
Asistență rapidăÎn cazul în care ceva nu merge așa cum trebuie cu rezervarea ta, te putem ajuta să rezolvi problema.
Rambursare fără problemePăstrăm plata ta în siguranță până la momentul mutării tale. În cazul în care locația nu coincide cu descrierea, vei primi o rambursare.
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