Furnished room/studio with private balcony and a private kitchen for rent in luxerious house in one of the best neighbourhoods in The Hague. Close to citycenter and 10 min from the beach (by bike). Price is incl. GWL+internet. The room also has a private balcony on the southside. The people that are currently living at the house are in the final fase of their studies (mostly Law), and are working at lawfirm, International Criminal Court and embassy. The Zeeheldenkwartier is a nice neighbourhood with lots of bars and nice restaurants. I am looking for a new tenant that is proper and well mannered. The house has 3 floors, two kitchens and two bathrooms. There is a shared (new) kitchen and a large common living area with couches, tv and dining table downstairs. Please note that the room is available for maximum 7 months because the house will be sold in the 3rd quarter of 2025...
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