Kartali G.
Cameră comună în apartament
Dormitor: 17 m²
Proprietate: 79 m²
Spațiu pentru 3 persoane
2 colegi de apartament (mixt)

The room: A bright spacious room with wooden floors and original features. Fully furnished with bed, desk and built-in wardrobes. Ideal for an Erasmus student wishing to live in a centrally located sociable three-bedroom apartment with other Erasmus students. Note that there are separate advertisements for the other rooms in the flat on this site (Room 1, Room 2, Room 3), together with two other studio rooms (Ground Floor Studio, First Floor Studio), which are located within the same building - please check them out too! In the event this room has been taken one of the other rooms may still be available. Please note that bed linen, duvet and towels are provided. The apartment: A sunny family-sized three bedroom apartment with original wooden floors and shared kitchen and bathroom. The apartment is located right in the centre of Volos, yet has a quiet leafy internal courtyard shared with other Erasmus students. Here’s a brief description of the apartment: -There are three bedrooms available for rent to Erasmus students -Large fully equipped kitchen-diner -Bathroom (bathtub with shower & WC). -Washing machine -The flat is on the first floor, accessible via internal courtyard and stairs -Leafy internal courtyard with shared communal space and outdoor seating. This is quiet and shaded so you can sit there even during the heat of the summer. -Wireless Wi-Fi -Central heating with natural gas provided by the building. The location: Located right in the centre of Volos, in a traditional two-storey building with its own internal courtyard. The apartment makes an excellent base for exploring Volos, by foot or by bicycle. Very close to the promenade and waterfront, offering access to all amenities, plus local cafes, bars and tavernas. The apartment is within walking distance from the UTH campus by the seafront and a short bicycle/bus ride to the second UTH campus at the edge of the city of Volos. The rent: The rent includes all bills. In respect to electricity, please note that this is subject to reasonable usage. There is a threshold of 85 euros per month for electricity/gas consumption included in the rent for the whole apartment and we may ask you to pay a little bit extra in the unlikely case consumption exceeds it. You will have visibility of the electricity bills and accounts, please let us know if you would like any additional information. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries about the apartment or the area. The owners: We are a family living in Volos and we have been renting these rooms for years to Erasmus students mostly via word of mouth. Please look at the comments left by previous students who enjoyed their stay at the apartment and in Volos! We also manage a flat for Erasmus students in Athens, please see here for more details. We are hoping that you will enjoy your stay in our rooms in Volos too and spread the word! :...

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Facilități și dotări care sporesc confortul
  • Baie unisex
  • Grădină comună
  • Toaletă comună
  • Bucătărie comună

  • Pardoseală din lemn
  • Încălzire centrală
  • Ustensile de bucătărie comune
  • WiFi
Reguli și preferințe
  • Vârsta:18 - 50+
  • Sex:Nicio preferință
  • Tipul de chiriaș:Studenți, angajați
  • Potrivit pentru cupluri:Da

  • Utilizarea de instrumente muzicale este permisă:Da
  • Animalele de companie sunt permise:Nu
  • Fumatul este permis:Da
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  • După 24 de ore de la confirmare – Fără rambursare

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  1. Selectează-ți datele pentru a verifica disponibilitatea.
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  4. Când ești gata să rezervi, trimite o cerere de rezervare.
  5. Când proprietarul aprobă și plata este finalizată, ai rezervat cu succes proprietatea.

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Asigurat de Protecția chiriașilorÎți garantăm o mutare fără stres sau îți returnăm banii.
Mutare lipsită de stresDacă proprietarul anulează în ultimul moment sau amână mutarea, vei fi ajutat să găsești o altă locație sau să te cazezi temporar la un hotel.
Asistență rapidăÎn cazul în care ceva nu merge așa cum trebuie cu rezervarea ta, te putem ajuta să rezolvi problema.
Rambursare fără problemePăstrăm plata ta în siguranță până la momentul mutării tale. În cazul în care locația nu coincide cu descrierea, vei primi o rambursare.
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