Lovely 2 bedroom apartment with front and back balconies with amazing views of Lisbon cityscape. Located in the 4th floor in an old building at the authentically Lisbon neighbourhood of Mouraria, more exactly at Bairro das Olarias potteries quarter. Bohemian, ethnic and vintage decoration, with itens and photos gathered in our travellings or in the several local multicultural shops. Walking distance from several nice and special places to visit, buy, eat and socialize. If you choose to stay at this place, you will have a small look of what means to live at Bairro das Olarias you can have a chat with the nice old Portuguese neighbours in the local coffee shops, smell the cooking of the Guinean family next door, see the recently renovated buildings in the surrounding streets, have a delicious Portuguese meal in the restaurant by the corner, listening the tram passing by negar your new home! Be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging CONTACT DETAILS and offering VIEWINGS is NOT POSSIBLE...
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