Welcome to our lovingly restored historic house in Detroit! Our unique home began its life as a grand private residence, later serving as a teaching hospital and nursing home. After a period of abandonment, we've passionately revitalized this remarkable home, blending its rich history with modern comforts. Previously operating as a hostel pre-COVID, it's now a comfortable, community-oriented house with shared common spaces and outdoor garden —ideal for guests seeking genuine connection and local experiences. OUR PLACE IS PERFECT FOR YOU IF: * You're comfortable sharing certain amenities, like laundry facilities, and don't mind walking through common lobby and stairs (as pictured) to access your private room. Your private room features private lockable door, small kitchen and bathroom. * You appreciate a unique, historically-rich property that fosters community vibes, unlike a typical hotel or standard (hidden). * You love exploring local culture and enjoy close proximity to Belle Isle, Eastern Market (one of the nation's largest farmers' markets), and vibrant neighborhoods. Detroit's flat terrain is ideal for cycling adventures! OUR PLACE MIGHT NOT SUIT YOU IF: * You prefer traditional hotel, motel, or classic B&B experiences with complete privacy and full service. * Shared spaces or occasional interactions with hosts and other guests. IMPORTANT: To ensure a positive experience for all guests, please confirm these steps when requesting a booking: 1. Introduce yourself: Please share a bit about where you're from and your reason for visiting. 2. Carefully review all HOUSE DETAILS and thoroughly view all PHOTOS to make sure it's the right fit for your stay. 3. Clearly confirm your willingness to follow our listed HOUSE RULES during your stay. We can only accept bookings that fulfill these three important steps, ensuring a comfortable and harmonious stay for everyone. Thank you for considering staying with us! Your room and the main living areas are fully renovated, while some restoration continues in other parts of this historic property. We genuinely look forward to welcoming you into our home and sharing the warmth, culture, and hospitality that makes our Detroit house truly special. Warm regards, Alex & Jenn...
Proprietarul va solicita astfel de documente pentru a accepta cererea ta de rezervare.
Act de identitate emis de guvern sau pașaport.
Certificat de înscriere la universitate, contract de stagiatură sau contract de muncă.
Fluturaș de salariu sau extrase de cont de la tine sau de la sponsorul tău.
Dacă anulezi această rezervare în decurs de 24 de ore de la confirmare - Rambursarea integrală a chiriei pe prima lună.
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