Spectacular apartment in Santaló street, with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. The kitchen is equipped with appliances and kitchenware. The beds are equipped with soft bedding, ideal for a good night's rest. The apartment has 2 bathrooms equipped with a full shower and towels. The apartment has a patio of 5 m2. In addition, the apartment is equipped with high-speed WiFi and SmartTV. The apartment has a washing machine, dishwasher and air conditioning for your maximum comfort. *We welcome pets, fees are subject to apply. Guests will be informed of any additional charges in the final contract. *We cannot be held liable for any noises (construction, or street noise) done outside the apartment. We also cannot be liable for any rooms without air conditioning (all the rooms with air conditioner will be explicitly explained in our description). We will not accept any reservation cancellations or refund requests related to these two issues...
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