Apartment located in a building that was completely renovated 5 years ago. The apartments combine functionality with the preservation of the differential elements of the construction of the early 21st century. The building has an elevator and high-speed Wi-Fi + Ethernet. The apartments are small but with very optimized spaces and lots of light. Master bedroom with a double bed of 135cmx190cm with an integrated wardrobe, a secondary bedroom with a trundle bed (90x195), a wardrobe and a desk, a kitchen integrated into the dining room with high-quality appliances and fully equipped. Bathroom with shower. The apartment is air-conditioned with low-consumption hot-cold splits. Shraeed terrace for 2 apartments (same landing as the apartment) of 9m2 The common areas of the building are protected with security cameras for your safety. Monthly water and electricity supplies are included up to a limit of €10...
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