Locuințe studențești
Studiați, lucrați, conectați-vă și simțiți-vă ca acasă.Descoperă mai multe reședințe studențești în RotterdamROOM Fully furnished and equipped private room in a shared apartment! We are looking for a young working professional to join our Co-Living apartment. Our aim is to make your stay as pleasant as possible and therefore we offer private rooms in shared apartments fully furnished and equipped with a kitchen, refrigerator, oven/microwave, cooking equipment, washing machine, dishes and bed linen. The rental price includes an advance payment for utilities such as gas, water, electricity and internet. Registration at the Municipality is always possible. The area provides a variety of shops, restaurants and excellent connections to public transport. APARTMENT Fully furnished and equipped shared apartment in Rotterdam. The apartment features several areas that will be shared by the living group, including a kitchen and bathroom. Please note that this apartment is rented by a living group, which you will be part of. As part of the living group, you have the right to the exclusive use of the space that will be appointed to you in the shared apartment. This space is also fully furnished with all the essentials you need. Together with the living group, you will rent the entire apartment. The other occupants of the living group will determine your share of the rent....
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