I am looking for someone to share a five-room apartment of 105 sqm with me and my 8.5-year-old daughter who lives with me part-time. The apartment is part of housing community where we live about 40 adults and about 10 children. In the apartment you have a large bedroom, private toilet and hall, as well as your own fridge and freezer. You share the kitchen, living room and shower with me/us. In addition to this, you have access to a large kitchen, living room, patio and garden on our common floor. Simple furniture in the bedroom can be arranged if necessary. In the house there is a great diversity of people of different ages and cultures and several social contexts to be part of. You are very close to the tram and about 15 minutes to town by tram/bike!...
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Act de identitate emis de guvern sau pașaport.
Certificat de înscriere la universitate, contract de stagiatură sau contract de muncă.
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