Hello! We are planning to rent out our renovated furnished 3 room (65m2) basement in a villa located in Kärrdalsvägen which is available immediately.The house has 1 big bedroom, 1 small bed room, spacious living room, small kitchen and bathroom with toilet. The laundry is shared and a beautiful big garden for a sit out in summers. We are a couple living with two small kids (nearly 4 years and 2 years) on the ground floor and looking for two friends/students or a couple as tenants (max 2 people adults and/or kids). The nearest bus stop is 7 mins walkable and Nordstan is 15 mins by bus. The rent is 10000kr including everything (Wifi, water, heating, electricity, garbage and parking) PM for any more details genuinely interested in long term rental up to 11 months and can be extended if we both agree. 1 month deposit and 1 month rent in advance...
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