Studiați, lucrați, conectați-vă și simțiți-vă ca acasă.Descoperă mai multe spații de conlocuire în GroningenCamera de divertisment sau de jocuri, Sala de sport, Zona de studiu
This Standard Queen Room is designed to make your life a whole lot easier. With high-speed Wi-Fi, learn & workspaces, and monthly linen and room cleaning, you’ll have more time to change the world. They say that a good view is good for the soul. Enjoy panoramic vistas of Groningen from the comfort of your room, while laying in your queen-size bed. Just so you know, your stay in The Standard Queen is an all-inclusive student stay. This means enjoying a wide range of services and benefits for you as a member of our community. Think of services such as: - 24-hour security - Laundry - Co-working space - Kitchen equipment - Gym access - Monthly linen and room cleaning - Free bike-sharing - Wi-Fi, utilities, and maintenance included - Events on skill development and well-being. Whether you're looking for a hotel room for a short visit, student accommodation, or a restaurant to throw a party, we have spaces for all your needs. In a city famous for its universities, all students, entrepreneurs, and global citizens are welcome at our spaces, right next to the Grote Markt. Join the community our in Groningen, attend weekly events and workshops, host a meeting or just pop in for a bite...
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