ROOM Cozy and modern, this private bedroom has everything you need for a comfortable life in Milan. This includes a comfy bed, a desk to work or study from home, and plenty of storage space for all your belongings. APARTMENT This spacious apartment offers the best location to enjoy a co-living lifestyle in Milan. In addition to your own private bedroom, youll have access to several shared areas, including a fully equipped kitchen, a dedicated dining space, and shared bathrooms.This spacious apartment offers the best location to enjoy a co-living lifestyle in Milan. In addition to your own private bedroom, youll have access to several shared areas, including a fully equipped kitchen, a dedicated dining space, and shared bathrooms. PROPERTY Located in Milans Loreto distric, this building is the place to be for those who seek an authentic co-living experience. In addition to its great location, the building also features an amazing community area where you can enjoy the company of your flatmates, meet new members, or chill solo....
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