Newly renovated 3 bedroom 1 and a half bathroom home with so many updates throughout! Downstairs there is a large living area with a wood burning fireplace with built in shelving. There is a beautiful kitchen with all new stainless steel appliances, tile backsplash, counter tops and cabinets off the dining room. You will also find a half bathroom off the kitchen for guests to utilize. Upstairs there is 3 bedrooms with a fully remodeled full bathroom featuring a tile tub/shower. The entire home has been freshly painted, has new flooring and newer windows with vinyl siding. There is a nice front enclosed porch as well as a brand new deck off the dining room from the glass sliding door. The entire roof is only a few months old. All (hidden)ment windows have been replaced with glass block windows and the entire basement floor is brand new where you can find laundry hookups. This home has so much to offer! Everything is new new new!...
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