Cameră privată în apartament
Dormitor: 10 m²
Proprietate: 90 m²
Spațiu pentru 1 persoană
4 colegi de apartament (mixt)

Completely renovated apartment! We are looking for responsible students who love order and cleanliness. That they are NOT smokers. Maximum of 5 people living in the apartment. The environment must be calm so that everyone can do their daily study and rest activities without disturbances. Cleaning of common areas included weekly and we change 2 towels and clean sheets every 15 days. Expenses are included in the price up to a maximum of 40 euros per room. All services nearby! � Metro: City of Los Angeles or Villaverde Bajo Cruce � Renfe: Alcocer Bridge. We want calm guests, preferably students. And with proven economic condition. Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you! Below are the Guidelines and Rules of Coexistence: Some are obvious and common sense, but as in any society, for the well-being of all parties, it is important to have them clearly defined and in writing to ensure good coexistence. I kindly ask you to read each of the points carefully! 1. Always lock the room door when leaving the apartment. Keep the main door locked when entering and leaving. 2. Visitors or individuals who are not the tenant are not allowed.* Therefore, parties and gatherings are expressly prohibited! 3. Smoking, vaping, or drug consumption (even near the windows) is not allowed. 4. Electric scooters are not allowed in the apartment to prevent incidents that have become increasingly common lately. 5. We do not take responsibility for personal belongings outside the room or if the room is not locked. The key to the main door is non-duplicable, providing more security and peace of mind for everyone.** 6. Quiet hours are between 11 pm and 8 am. 7. Any detected or caused damage must be reported immediately. 8. Professionals for maintenance services cannot be brought in without the landlord's authorization. 9. We live in a community with many older neighbors, so it's important to respect the common use of the elevator and stairs. 10. Respect the limits and common sense among fellow roommates and neighbors. Kitchen: 1. Respect the limited space in the refrigerator designated for each room's use. 2. Use, wash, dry, and put back kitchen utensils and appliances, leaving the space clean and organized. 3. Follow the schedule for taking out the trash to the street and replacing the trash bag. 4. Respect the limited personal use space in the kitchen cabinet. Bathrooms: 1. After using the bathroom, ensure it is left as you found it: dry, clean, and tidy. 2. Do not leave towels, clothes, or personal items in the bathrooms. There is a hanger behind the room door for this purpose. The only items that should be kept in the bathrooms are personal hygiene products for use in the shower, each in its designated space for each room. 3. There is toilet paper for replacement in the bathroom cabinet drawer. Please throw the cardboard roll in the trash when finished. Never in the toilet! 4. Only toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet. Never wipes, pads, cotton swabs, or any other objects. 5. Next to the toilet, there is bleach spray and a brush if you need to clean it after use. 6. Keep the bathroom window open after showering to prevent mold. Hallway and Common Areas: 1. Do not leave suitcases, boxes, bikes, backpacks, or any personal items in the common areas. It should always be kept free of personal belongings. 2. There is a broom, bucket, mop, and dustpan on the wall next to the refrigerator. Guests: • When you want to receive a family member or friend, you must request authorization at least 15 days in advance and meet the following requirements: 1. Advance payment of the daily rate (20 euros). 2. Maximum of one guest. 3. Maximum stay of 7 days. 4. Non-smoking guest. We do not accept smokers under any circumstances. 5. Pending prior written authorization with visitor details: Full name, ID or passport with expiration dates. 6. For rooms with a 90cm bed, an extra 90cm mattress, sheets, duvet, and towel can be provided. 7. The request must be made to the email: (hidden) and by mobile (hidden) (hidden). It will not be allowed, under any circumstances, to have more than 6 people in the apartment. Room: 1. Responsible, exclusive, and private use by the tenant. 2. Any alterations, holes in walls, etc., are only allowed with prior written authorization from the landlord. 3. Other tenants are students and workers, so it's important to maintain silence even during the day. 4. Cleaning and maintenance of the room during the lease are the tenant's responsibility. If you want to hire a thorough cleaning of the room, you must request it in advance, and only our cleaning staff is authorized, with prior payment of the stipulated amount. Entry of another person into the apartment to clean is not authorized. Laundry: 1. Conscious use of the washing machine. Neither too much nor too little clothing. 2. Only specific laundry detergent and fabric softeners can be used in the washing machine. No other product not suitable for the washing machine is allowed. 3. Sheets and towels will be changed every 15 days for washing. 4. The clothesline should be vacated as soon as possible to avoid disrupting the washing routine of other tenants. Failure to comply with the rules will be notified in writing to the TENANT. Three instances of non-compliance may result in the termination of the lease, and depending on the severity, may lead to the tenant being charged for damages and losses...

Facilities and amenities
  • Baie unisex
  • Cameră de zi comună
  • Toaletă comună
  • Bucătărie comună

  • Pardoseală necunoscută
  • Încălzire pe gaz
  • Ustensile de bucătărie comune
  • WiFi
Reguli și preferințe
  • Vârsta:At least 18
  • Sex:Nicio preferință
  • Tipul de chiriaș:Doar studenți
  • Potrivit pentru cupluri:Nu
  • Utilizarea de instrumente muzicale este permisă:No
  • Animalele de companie sunt permise:No
  • Fumatul este permis:No
Banii tăi sunt în siguranță până la 48 de ore după ce te muți în locațieAtunci când te muți, dacă proprietatea nu corespunde descrierii din listare, informează-ne în decurs de 48 de ore și poți obține o rambursare.
Banii tăi sunt în siguranță
Rezervarea este confirmatăZiua mutării în locație48 de ore după mutarea în locație
Tipul contractului
Politică de anulare

Anulare strictă

Dacă anulezi această rezervare

  • În decurs de 24 de ore de la confirmare – Rambursarea integrală a chiriei pe prima lună
  • După 24 de ore de la confirmare – Fără rambursare

Cum să rezervi această proprietate

Când găsești o proprietate care-ți place este destul de simplu să efectuezi o rezervare. Atât chiriașul, cât și proprietarul trebuie să confirme înainte de a finaliza o rezervare. Iată cum funcționează:

  1. Selectează-ți datele pentru a verifica disponibilitatea.
  2. Contactează proprietarul făcând clic pe butonul de contact.
  3. Prezintă-te proprietarului. Adresează orice întrebări pe care le-ai putea avea.
  4. Când ești gata să rezervi, trimite o cerere de rezervare.
  5. Când proprietarul aprobă și plata este finalizată, ai rezervat cu succes proprietatea.

Nu trebuie să efectuezi o vizionare pe HousingAnywhere, iată de ce:

  1. Toate proprietățile de pe HousingAnywhere prezintă imagini și o descriere clară. Dacă orice aspect este neclar, poți contacta cu ușurință proprietarul.
  2. Restricționarea vizionărilor oferă șanse egale tuturor, indiferent dacă sunt localnici sau dacă locuiesc în străinătate.
  3. HousingAnywhere se asigură că proprietatea este în realitate conform descrierii, trimițând orice sumă proprietarului numai după ce te-ai mutat cu succes.
După ce ai efectuat o rezervare, îți vor fi furnizate detaliile de contact ale proprietarului. Poți contacta direct proprietarul sau poți continua să utilizezi chat-ul HousingAnywhere. Toate costurile de închiriere ulterioare pot fi plătite în siguranță prin HousingAnywhere.
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Asigurat de Protecția chiriașilorÎți garantăm o mutare fără stres sau îți returnăm banii.
Mutare lipsită de stresDacă proprietarul anulează în ultimul moment sau amână mutarea, vei fi ajutat să găsești o altă locație sau să te cazezi temporar la un hotel.
Asistență rapidăÎn cazul în care ceva nu merge așa cum trebuie cu rezervarea ta, te putem ajuta să rezolvi problema.
Rambursare fără problemePăstrăm plata ta în siguranță până la momentul mutării tale. În cazul în care locația nu coincide cu descrierea, vei primi o rambursare.
Cum funcționează protecția