💢💢💢 Our magnificent 4-bedroom apartment is located in the heart of the city, Malaga's Soho. Our accommodation is equipped with all the comforts that our guests need to feel at home; Fully equipped kitchen and a spacious living room where you can meet and create moments together. With an unbeatable location, it is located a few meters from Calle Marqués de Larios, the main street of the city, and with fantastic access to both bus and train lines to get to the airport or tour the city. Key collection: Calle Barroso, no 17 We remind you that at the time of check-in, it is necessary to make the deposit of the apartment with a credit card. There is a €150 retention in your account and it is returned after check-out, when the housekeeper checks that everything is fine. Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore, exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible before the booking. If you would like to reserve this accommodation, send me a booking request or a message, and please mention your age and occupation. I look forward to meeting you! 💢💢�...
Proprietarul va solicita astfel de documente pentru a accepta cererea ta de rezervare.
Act de identitate emis de guvern sau pașaport.
Dacă anulezi această rezervare în decurs de 24 de ore de la confirmare - Rambursarea integrală a chiriei pe prima lună.
Dacă anulezi când data mutării tale este la:
Când găsești o proprietate care-ți place este destul de simplu să efectuezi o rezervare. Atât chiriașul, cât și proprietarul trebuie să confirme înainte de a finaliza o rezervare. Iată cum funcționează:
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