Cozy, bright and romantic corner one bedroom apartment with very comfortable and zen furnishing. Located on the second floor of a three story corner building in the centre of historic Amsterdam. Located right on a beautiful- the Unesco historic Jordaan is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and vibrant areas in Amsterdam and in the world. Shopping & entertainment wise is within walking distance and the whole city is easily accessible by walking and bike. The apartment contains a kitchen with a stove, dishwasher fridge and a small freezer all the utensils for hobby chefs. The bathroom boasts an amazing rain shower. The bedroom has a comfortable double bed (160cm x 200 cm), large wardrobe and a sitting tub. In March 2025 the building windows will be painted so there will be scaffolding and daytime noise. Although we don't know the extend of nuisance as a result we are offering a substantial discount for the month of March! For shorter term requests of 1 month or less a supplement of 400 euros per booking applies. Due to its size we don't wish to host couples in the apartment for stays of more than one month. Registration is possible for one person only on request....
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