A quiet bedroom with a double bed + a desk + a wardrobe, in a hyper central location. The apartment has an elevator, high ceilings, a fireplace, beautiful wooden floors and a balcony with an open view on a playground and the Salève mountain in the background. Fully equipped kitchen, with dedicated storage space in the cupboards, fridge and freezer. There is a beautiful dining room, an office corner with printer, and a bathroom with bathtub + a seperate toilet and sink. Laundry room accessible in the basement. Rent for the building: 760chf. Rent for furniture, decoration, equipment, kitchenware, bedsheets, etc : 490chf. Fees (electricity, heating, water, Internet, insurance, etc.) : 180chf. TOTAL PER MONTH : 1430chf. A detailed lease contract will be signed after booking. Female tenants...
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