Become part of a vibrant community of young professionals and live stress-free in a spacious apartment! Everything is ready for you to just move in with your suitcase. The price is all-inclusive and gives you the following: - Rent - Utilities (gas, water, electricity, heating) - Wireless internet - Beautiful design furniture and equipment - Cleaning services - Registration As a member of our co-living community, you get access to a broader network of young professionals that live in our apartments in Copenhagen, Paris, Berlin, Munich, Oslo and more. Our members enjoy shared events and even the possibility of a temporary room swap with members in other cities. Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you want to apply, you can contact us via the platform...
Proprietarul va solicita astfel de documente pentru a accepta cererea ta de rezervare.
Act de identitate emis de guvern sau pașaport.
Fluturaș de salariu sau extrase de cont de la tine sau de la sponsorul tău.
Dacă anulezi această rezervare
Când găsești o proprietate care-ți place este destul de simplu să efectuezi o rezervare. Atât chiriașul, cât și proprietarul trebuie să confirme înainte de a finaliza o rezervare. Iată cum funcționează:
Nu trebuie să efectuezi o vizionare pe HousingAnywhere, iată de ce: