We are looking now for medium term tenants. At least six months, ideally longer up to until the end of 2024 The cozy townhouse was built in 1950 has been extended and renovated to the newest standards. The house has two large bedrooms, two full bathrooms, a living room and a kitchen, ideal for two adults. Ecological/ sustainable materials have been used in the house. The living room, kitchen, and bedrooms have oak floors oiled with flaxseed oil. The master bathroom has oak ship flooring too. Noise isolation walls have been installed in all rooms isolated with hemp. The master bedroom has a private bathroom with large shower, a bathtub and double sink. The attic’s bedroom has a bathroom one floor below with bathtub/shower combination. Both bathrooms WCs are smart WCs (washlets, Geberit Sela). The bathroom tiles are from Porcelanosa. The bathrooms water is treated with a water softener installation: better skin and easier to clean. The kitchen has all necessary appliances, including oven, vapor oven and dishwasher. A larch wood terrace with table and chairs with garden wiew complements the common areas. The lawn was just planted. A washing machine and a drier are also available in the cellar. The house is 5 minutes walking distance from tram station Willibaldplatz, that in 15 minutes brings you to the Oktoberfest and in 22 minutes to the center of the old city (Marienplatz). Laim S-Bahn is two bus stops (3 minutes) away. The house has a front yard parking. The whole house is for your sole use, no other guest will be sharing the property. Telephone and high speed Internet (50 mbps, 100 mbps possible) with Ethernet connection in all rooms is also available...
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