Find the warmth of Brazilian hospitality wherever you enter one of our houses . In the same way that you are welcomed in Rio not as a stranger but as a friend, we invite people from all over the world to experience the Cariocas' attitude to life. Viva a alma Carioca! Welcome to the Rio way of life! We do not adhere to rigid standards, but meet people with naturalness that comes from the heart. We offer services that make it easy to feel alive and comfortable. Whether our guests stay for a few days or many months, with us they find a temporary home and the uncomplicated ease of real friendship. Our apartments offer the comfort of a temporary home. The services can be booked by anyone as it suits him or her. For example, breakfast with Brazilian delicacies in our Ipanema Café. If you want, you can open your office in the cosy coworking space, have dinner in your own apartment kitchen and later call us at the bar "Saúde!" with Caipi in hand...
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