Private room equipped with desk and chair, bedside table, mirror, lamp, and closet. The bed does not include sheets and pillows, only the mattress cover. SERVICES AND RELEVANT INFORMATION: ✔Cleaning of common areas once a week. ✔Possibility of maintenance service. ✔Possibility of changing room or apartment to another in our portfolio. ✔Possibility of registration. ✔Customer service, consultations, and general issues during your stay. ✔Contract of minimum stay of 1 month and maximum of 12 months with the possibility of renewal. ✔Method of payment of all the costs: Bank transfer with all the amount paid before check-in. ✔Couples are not allowed ✔Pets are not allowed ✔No parties allowed on the property ✔No smoking allowed GENERAL CONDITIONS: ✔Deposit: 1 month's rent to be returned to you after the departure date (Rent + supplies). ✔Photographic inventory fee, to be paid only once before entering the room 64,15€ (Guarantees the return of the deposit to the owner by having photos of the state of the room, as it is delivered and returned). ✔Admin fee 453,75€ (393,25€ admin fee + 60,50€ asnef) - Check out fee 114,95€ - Check out fee 114,95€. ✔ID/Passport photo and bank details are required for the refund of the deposit at the end of the contract. CHECK-IN HOURS: ✔Monday to Friday 16:00 to 18:00 Free. ✔Monday to Friday 11:00 to 13:00 90,75€. ✔Monday to Friday 18:00 to 22:00 90,75€. ✔Monday to Friday 22:00 to 10:00 151,25€ ✔Weekends and Holidays 90,75€. Once your reservation is paid you will receive a unique welcome email from your landlord with all the information and instructions you need and where you will be asked for your personal documentation and bank details to make the rental contract. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU INDICATE CORRECTLY YOUR PHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL TO AVOID THAT THEY CAN NOT CONTACT YOU AND RUN THE RISK OF LOSING THE RESERVATION. If the owner does not receive all the necessary documentation previously requested by email and the payment of the total amount before check-in, you will have to pay an additional 181,50€ for a last-minute contract. Days before the move you will be contacted to arrange the check-in time. THE TENANT MUST NOT APPEAR IN THE CONTROL OF DELINQUENCY, OTHERWISE THE RESERVATION IS AT RISK. ⚠️ATTENTION: If the reservation is made on THE SAME DAY, the check-in must be made at least 48 HOURS LATER. We cannot do same-day check-in. The contracts are bi-weekly, thus paying the full fortnight of the month according to the day of booking. If the Check-in is made from the 20th of the month onwards, the following month will also have to be paid to avoid two consecutive payments...
Dacă anulezi această rezervare
Când găsești o proprietate care-ți place este destul de simplu să efectuezi o rezervare. Atât chiriașul, cât și proprietarul trebuie să confirme înainte de a finaliza o rezervare. Iată cum funcționează:
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