Comfy one bedroom apartment with spectacular terrace in Sant Andreu Area. Closest metro station is Fabra y Puig, within 10 minutes you are right in the city centre with the same metro line. Area super local and full of restaurants supermarkets. The best of the apartments is the 50 sqm terrace to enjoy the sun of Barcelona. The flat has a fully equipped kitchen, bathroom, A/C, heating and wifi included. 1 bedroom with capacity for 1 or 2 people, one bathroom, fully equipped kitchen and bathroom. Area is plenty of super local live. Easy access to all areas of Barcelona. Closest metro station: FAbra y Puig just down the street ( Line 1/red, 2 min walking). Area full of supermarkets, easily connected to all areas of the city. Utility bills (electricity , wáter and gas) ARE NOT INCLUDED in the monthly rental price. You will be charged a mínimum monthly amount for utility bills. This amount is calculated based on the number of rooms of the apartment: 1 room-90 euros/month. You will be charged 90 euros/month for all utilities. Not 90 euros for each utility....
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