575 €
Pokój prywatny w budynek
Sypialnia: 10 m²
Przestrzeń dla 1 osoby
11 współlokatorzy (mieszane)

About the building: Located at a lively neighborhood in the city center of Utrecht, this large and modern building complex is housed in a row of buildings on the Voorstraat; a vibrant street in the city center of Utrecht. Here, we offer you a comfortable stay, where you can enjoy excellent living conditions, amongst fellow international students and expats. In front of the building, there are few parking lots, though you will be able to stall your bike here. When you enter the building complex, all our rooms are situated on the first and second floors. Here, you will find a spacious kitchen equipped with all the necessary kitchenware and other facilities, such as an induction hob. This area also contains washing and drying facilities that are available for your use. About the room: The room is located on the second floor, on the backside of the building and contains a large window with a view on the roof garden. This accommodation comes with high-quality equipment that is needed to study and relax, including a premium quality box-spring bed, a desk, a desk chair, a large wardrobe, and a storage cabinet. Also, the room features a washbasin and a fridge. Lastly, the room includes towels and bedding. Location: The accommodation is located in the vibrant city center of Utrecht and is strategically located for international students as the University of Utrecht is reachable within short walking distance! If you wander around the neighborhood, you come across many supermarkets, retail stores, cafes, and restaurants. Also, a bus stop is situated at the end of the street, and the accommodation is only a 10-minute walk away from Utrecht Central Station. You could also rapidly reach the University of Utrecht by bike/bicycle, but of course, that remains your choice: the more expensive way or the authentic Dutch way. Other nearby facilities are ‘Hoog Catharijne’, the most famous shopping center in Utrecht, and ‘Tivoli Vredenburg’, a unique music complex for all kinds of music and entertainment. All with all, the apartment is very well located for all your needs and wishes! Shared responsibility: We have shared responsibility regarding the residence’s maintenance. We deliver clean accommodation with all the furniture you need. Therefore, we expect you to handle this with care. Once a week, a cleaning service will stop by to take care of the regular cleaning tasks in the common areas: the kitchen and the hallway. We do this because we are aware of the fact that you are rather busy doing other things in this wonderful country and we want to make sure that we keep up with our high standards inside the residences. However, you do need to take out the garbage, do the dishwashing and maintain your own room. Finance: The monthly rental price includes the furniture. Furthermore, the advance service costs for gas, water, electricity, internet and periodic cleaning will be €125 per month, leading to a total monthly rental price of €700 per month. If you do not excessively use the utilities, then you will not have to pay extra. However, if the consumption of the utilities exceeds the utility costs, then you will be responsible for the additional fees. The payment that is labelled as the ‘First month's rent’ will be regarded as the rental payment for your first full month of stay, as this amount is based on the duration of stay of one full per calendar month. Check in/out date: as stated in the tenancy agreement, the rental period officially starts on the 1st day of the month or halfway through the month. This means that if you, for example, if you wish to book an accommodation from February 3rd onwards, your tenancy agreement will officially start on February 1st. DISCOUNT OFFER: If you are staying for five months or more and are planning to pay everything up front, then you will receive a discount on your rent; a 3% discount for 6 months and a 5% discount for 1 year! The offer is valid at a minimum of 5 months. Please do inform us if you are interested in this offer and let us know the number of months you are paying in advance, as this will save you hundreds of euros! After the booking an additional payment request will be sent for the one-time administration fee of 299 euros. Contact landlord: If you are interested in booking the accommodation, just leave me a message. Feel free to ask anything you want to know about your future living space. During your stay, you may always (hidden) my team and/or me regarding ‘a better way of living’. Also, if you are interested in more than one of our accommodations, then please leave a message on just one advertisement, let us know what other accommodations you are potentially interested in and make sure to add a link of the advertisement. This way we are able to assist you as best as possible. If you would like to live in Utrecht and you just want to pack your essentials in order to instantly move into the room, well then this is your place to be! DISCLAIMER If you would like to live in Utrecht along with other internationals and you just want to pack your essentials in order to instantly move into your new accommodation, well then this is your place to be! Please note that despite all photos being of the actual apartment you will be booking, the content of this advertisement may deviate slightly from reality in regards to decoration, as work progresses. The actual size of the apartment may differ from the floor-plan, as this is given as an indication. Please be aware that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore exchanging contact details and offering viewings is not possible. If you would like to reserve the room, send me a booking request or message me for any further questions...

Facilities and amenities
  • Wspólna toaleta
  • Wspólna kuchnia
  • Brak parkingu
  • Brak salonu

  • Centralne ogrzewanie
  • Wspólne naczynia kuchenne
  • Wi-Fi
  • Łóżko
Zasady i preferencje
  • Wiek:Brak preferencji
  • Płeć:Brak preferencji
  • Rodzaj najemcy:Studenci, osoby pracujące
  • Odpowiednie dla par:Nie
  • Gra na instrumentach muzycznych dozwolona:Discussable
  • Zwierzęta są mile widziane:No
  • Palenie tytoniu dozwolone:Outside only
Twoje pieniądze zostaną zabezpieczone na 48 godzin od Twojej przeprowadzkiJeśli po wprowadzeniu się uznasz, że stan nieruchomości nie odpowiada jej opisowi z ogłoszenia, powiadom nas o tym w ciągu 48 godzin, aby wnioskować o pełny zwrot pieniędzy.
Twoje pieniądze są bezpieczne
Potwierdzono rezerwacjęDzień przeprowadzki48 godzin od wprowadzenia się
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Zasady anulowania rezerwacji

Anulowanie bezwzględne

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  • W ciągu 24 godzin od potwierdzenia — pełny zwrot czynszu za pierwszy miesiąc
  • Po upływie 24 godzin od potwierdzenia — brak zwrotu

Jak zarezerwować tę nieruchomość

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  1. Wybierasz termin i sprawdzasz jego dostępność.
  2. Jeśli nie masz jeszcze subskrypcji, możesz ją wykupić, to tylko kilka kliknięć.
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  4. Przedstaw się ogłoszeniodawcy. Zadaj mu dowolne pytania.
  5. Gdy uznasz, że chcesz zarezerwować nieruchomość, wyślij prośbę o rezerwację.
  6. Gdy ogłoszeniodawca zaakceptuje Twoją prośbę i zrealizujesz płatność, rezerwacja nieruchomości zostanie sfinalizowana.

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  1. Każde ogłoszenie na HousingAnywhere ma zdjęcia i przejrzysty opis. Jeśli cokolwiek budzi Twoje wątpliwości, możesz bezproblemowo skontaktować się z ogłoszeniodawcą.
  2. Ograniczenie umawiania oględzin zapewnia równe szanse zarówno osobom miejscowym, jak i mieszkającym za granicą.
  3. HousingAnywhere dba o zgodność treści ogłoszenia z faktycznym stanem nieruchomości, dlatego wysyłamy bowiem pieniądze ogłoszeniodawcy dopiero wtedy, gdy się wprowadzisz.
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Bezstresowa przeprowadzkaJeśli właściciel anuluje rezerwację w ostatniej chwili lub będzie opóźniać termin Twojej przeprowadzki do lokum, otrzymasz pomoc w znalezieniu innego miejsca lub tymczasowego pobytu w hotelu.
Szybka pomocJeśli coś pójdzie nie tak z rezerwacją, możemy pomóc Ci rozwiązać problem.
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