I’m looking for a calm and tidy male flatmate to share my 3-room apartment in Länsmansgården (Hisingen). The apartment is in a peaceful area with a balcony overlooking nature, and nearby you’ll find useful facilities, such as grocery stores and gym located at Länsmanstorget. The nearest tram and busstop is Svarte Mosse and you’ll be at Brunnsparken (city centre) within 21 minutes. The rent of 4000sek is for a bedroom of around 10m2 and includes Wifi, electricity, heat and anything else. I’d love to find a person whose living style matches mine – I like a calm and clean home. Suitable for a student or anyone living alone. If this sounds like a good fit for you, send me a message with a short intro about yourself! Looking forward to finding the right flatmate...
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