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Barcelona, Spain

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Hola, ¡soy Ignacio !

Hello! First of all, nice to meet you!! I'm Ignacio and I work for one of the main room operators in Barcelona. Our company was born to provide a solution to the difficult access to temporary housing for young people. In this way we offer a quality temporary product, and at very competitive prices. We are very excited that you can join! From our company you can expect all of the following: - Newly renovated and design rooms - In the best areas of the city -Excellent customer service - Community of young people and activities! What are you waiting for? Join us and start enjoying Barcelona! :) See you!


Inglés, Español, Francés, Italiano, Portugues

Miembro desde

junio 2023

Tiempo de respuesta

en unas pocas horas

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Reseñas para Ignacio
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